Data Protection

Schwarz Digits KG

Data Protection Notice for

Data Protection Notice

Version 1.2

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strive to provide you with comprehensive information about the processing of your personal data. The following privacy policy explains how and for what purposes we process your personal data when you visit our website or contact us.

As a rule, the personal data of yours that we collect is obtained directly from you. The statutory basis is, in particular, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

A. “Controller” within the meaning of Article 4(7) GDPR

Unless otherwise stated in the following, the controller within the meaning of Article 4(7) GDPR responsible for the processing of data described below is:

Schwarz Digits KG
Stiftsbergstr. 1
74172 Neckarsulm

Telephone: +49 7132 30-5000

B. Visiting our website

1. Communication by e-mail/telephone/mail

1.1. Purpose of the processing and legal basis

We treat all personal data that we receive from you by e-mail, telephone, mail or contact form confidentially. We use your data solely for the limited purpose of processing your inquiry.

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest arises from the interest in responding to your inquiries so that the satisfaction of our customers, business partners and/or website users alike is ensured and promoted.

1.2. Recipients/categories of recipients

As a rule, we do not transfer the data to third parties outside Schwarz Digits KG. In exceptional cases, we will have a processor process the data on our behalf. Such processors are carefully selected and bound by contract in accordance with Article 28 GDPR.

1.3. Obligation to provide your data

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data to us. However, if you do not provide us with the data required to process your request, we will not be able to process or respond to it.

1.4. Storage time/criteria for determining storage time

We delete or securely anonymize all information we receive from you when you make inquiries no later than 90 days after the final response is sent to you. The information is retained for 90 days in case you contact us again after a receiving a response from us on the same matter and we need to refer to our previous correspondence. Based on experience, we generally do not receive any questions concerning our responses after 90 days. If you assert your rights as a data subject, your personal data will be stored for three years after the final response in order to document the fact that we provided you with comprehensive information and that the legal requirements have been met.

2. Data processed when you visit our website

2.1. Purposes and legal basis of processing

When you visit our website, log files are generated containing the following information:

  • the website/application from which you accessed our site (referrer URL)
  • the IP address;
  • the date and time of access;
  • the client request;
  • the http response code;
  • the data volume transmitted;
  • the name and URL of the requested file;
  • information about the type of browser and operating system you are using;
  • the name of your Internet service provider

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest arises from our interest in protecting our systems and preventing improper and/or fraudulent activity each time that a user accesses this website.

2.2. Recipients/categories of recipient

In exceptional cases, your personal data may be accessible to Schwarz IT KG, Stiftsbergstraße 1, 74172 Neckarsulm, Germany, for support and maintenance purposes, as our website is hosted on servers provided and operated by Schwarz IT KG. 

2.3. Obligation to provide your data

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data to us. However, such data will be processed for technical reasons as soon as you access our site. The only way to prevent your data from being processed is to stop using our website.

2.4. Storage time

We store the aforementioned data for a period of seven days.

3. Cookies

We, Schwarz Digits KG, Stiftsbergstraße 1, 74172 Neckarsulm, Germany, are the controller with respect to data processing in connection with the use of “cookies” and other similar technologies to process usage data on our website.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our websites. Cookies do not cause any harm to your end device, nor do they contain any viruses, trojans or other malware. The cookie stores certain information that results in connection with the specific end device deployed. This does not, however, mean that we will immediately become aware of your identity.

You may also configure your browser to ensure that a warning appears every time a new cookie is placed. This makes the use of cookies more transparent for you. You may also configure your browser to refuse acceptance of all or some cookies from certain sources. Please be advised, however, that disabling cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

3.1. Purposes and legal basis of processing

Cookies and the other technologies used to process usage data are deployed for the following purposes, depending on the categories of cookie/other technologies:

  • Technically Necessary: these technical cookies help to make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as site navigation and access to secure pages. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
  • Preferences: using these methods, we can take into account your actual or perceived preferences to enhance the user experience. For example, we can use your settings to display our website in a language relevant to you. They also mean we can avoid displaying products that may not be available in your region
  • Statistics: these methods enable us to tailor the design of our services by producing anonymized statistics about how they are used. For example, we can use them to determine how better to adapt our websites to user habits.
  • Marketing: these enable us to display relevant advertising content based on an analysis of your usage behavior. Your usage behavior can also be tracked over various websites, browsers or devices via a user ID (unique identifier).

Depending on the purpose, the use of cookies and similar technologies to process usage data involves processing the following types of personal data in particular:

Technically necessary:

  • Required data. 
  • Consent to cookie preferences.


  • Settings to customize the user interface that are not linked to a permanent identifier.
  • Settings that serve to optimize the output of the cards.

pseudonymized usage profiles containing information on the use of our website. These contain in particular:

  • browser type/browser version;
  • operating system used;
  • referrer URL (i.e., the previously visited page);
  • host name of the accessing computer (IP address);
  • time of the server request;
  • individual user ID; and
  • events triggered on the websites (web browsing behavior).
  • The IP address is routinely anonymized, which in principle means it is no longer possible to identify you.
  • We only store the user ID together with other data you provide (e.g., name, e-mail address) if you give us express permission to do so. In itself, we cannot use the user ID to identify you.

Pseudonymized usage profiles containing information on the use of our website. These contain in particular:

  • IP-address,
  • individual user ID;
  • products potentially of interest;
  • events triggered on the websites (web browsing behavior).
  • IP addresses are routinely anonymized, which in principle means it is no longer possible to identify you.

The legal basis for using preferences, statistics and marketing cookies and similar technologies is your consent given pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR and section 25(1) sentence 1 of the German Telecommunications and Digital Data Protection Act (Telekommunikation-Digitale-Dienste-Datenschutzgesetz – TDDDG). The legal basis for using technically necessary cookies and similar technologies is your consent given pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR and section 25(2) no. 2 TDDDG. We have a legitimate interest in ensuring the technical stability and security of website operation.

You may withdraw/modify your consent at any time with effect for the future without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Please click here and make your selection.

For an overview of the cookies and other technologies we use, including the respective purposes of processing, storage periods and any third-party providers involved, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

3.2. Recipients/categories of recipient

When using cookies and similar technologies to process usage data, we may on occasion retain specialized service providers, particularly from the field of online marketing, to process data. These service providers process data on our behalf.

If you have consented to processing for marketing purposes, we may potentially share your User ID and the associated user profiles with third parties via the providers of advertising networks.
For information about other recipients in connection with using cookies to process data, see our cookie policy under the heading “Providers”.

3.3. Google Analytics

Our website uses the “Google Analytics” service offered by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. Cookies and similar technologies, in particular JavaScript, are used to store and analyze data on your end device.

In the European Union and in the European Economic Area (EEA), the “Google Analytics” service is offered by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, which assists us a processor in accordance with Article 28 GDPR.

“Google Analytics” creates user profiles on the basis of pseudonyms (recognition attributes from cookies and device ID and further data on the end device used or the “browser fingerprint”) and usage data (e.g., name and address of the website content requested by your browser, referral links, description of the web browser and operating system used, and the IP address of the requesting end device). Demographic data, such as the age, gender and interests of the users, and interactions, such as button clicks, scroll depth and length of stay, are collected, analyzed and merged with existing anonymized data.

We have configured “Google Analytics” in a such way that your IP address is processed and truncated within the EU using the „_anonymizeIp()“ feature before it is transmitted to Google’s servers in the USA.

We transmit your data in connection with our use of “Google Analytics” to Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, as well as Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. In principle, we have no influence on further data processing by the third-party provider. For further information on how Google handles personal data, please visit By virtue of the fact that we use “Google Analytics” on our web pages, data is transmitted to the aforementioned recipients and stored there for a period of 26 months.

3.4. Transfer of data to third countries

As a rule, we do not transfer your data to recipients located outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area. To the extent that you have consented to the use of the relevant cookies, your data will only be transferred to the servers of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, if it is processed using Google Analytics and YouTube. Some of these servers are located in the USA. The EU does not have an adequacy decision in place for the USA, which means that a lower level of data protection than in the EU must be assumed. This could mean that you may not be able to adequately exercise your rights as a data subject. In addition, we have no control over the extent to which Google uses your data for its own purposes. However, we have concluded standard contractual clauses with Google, which contractually oblige Google to comply with European data protection standards.

3.5. Obligation to provide your data

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data to us. You may prevent cookies from being stored by adjusting the aforementioned settings, selecting the categories of cookies accordingly or by withdrawing or modifying any consent you may have given.

3.6. Storage time

Please refer to our cookie policies for Cookie-Notes for information on the duration of storage for cookies. If “persistent” is entered in the “expiration” column, the cookie will be stored permanently until the corresponding consent is withdrawn.

4. Data processing when using the share/sharing functions

You have the opportunity to share job advertisements published on our website e.g. via social networks.

For reasons of data protection, we have deliberately decided against integrating the "share" function of the various social networks directly into this page as a social plug-in. Therefore, the "Share" functions integrated on this page are only implemented as a link. The link only refers to the pages of the social networks in a new window. Simply calling up this page therefore does not transmit any data to providers of social media services. Profiling by third parties is therefore excluded. However, we do not want to deny those visitors who would like to "share" the content of our website with their social network this opportunity. Data will only be transferred to the provider of the social network you have selected if you consciously click on the relevant "Share" button.

4.1. Purposes and legal basis of data processing

The legal basis for data processing when using the "Share" function is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. The legitimate interest arises from the interest in being able to offer the user of our website this function as a voluntary option.

4.2. Precipients/categories of recipients

"Sharing" the content of our website will then result in certain data being transmitted to the provider of the social media service, e.g:

  • the address of the website
  • Date and time the website was accessed or the share button was clicked
  • Information about the browser and operating system used
  • your current IP address
  • the content you shared

 The shared content can then also be viewed by other users of the same social network, depending on the data protection settings you have made for your own account. If you are already logged in to the associated social media service at the time you click the share button, its provider will also be able to determine your user name and, if applicable, your real name from the above-mentioned data. This data may also be processed by the provider in countries outside the EU. We have no influence on the scope, type and purpose of data processing by the provider. Please note that providers of social media services are able to create pseudonymized and even individualized user profiles with the above-mentioned data.

4.3. Obligation to provide your data

You are neither contractually nor legally obliged to provide us with personal data or to transmit it by using the "Share" function. You are free to use the function shown and the associated data processing or not.

4.4. Storage period/criteria for determining the storage period

The duration of the display of the content shared by you depends on the data protection settings of your account with the respective social network, as well as on their data protection provisions. We have no influence on this. 

5. Embedded third party content

We have embedded YouTube videos on our website, which are stored at and can be played directly from our website. All videos are embedded with “privacy-enhanced mode” enabled, which means that no data about you as the user is transferred to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Data is only transferred if you play the videos. We do not have any control over this transfer of data.

You can find further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and how YouTube processes data in the provider’s privacy policy. You will also find further information there about your rights in this regard and settings to protect your privacy. YouTube’s Address and privacy policies: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA;

6. Our social media sites

6.1. Responsibilities

The party responsible for the collection and processing of data described below (the controller) is in some cases us, Schwarz Digits KG, and in some cases the operator of the relevant social media platform. For certain types of processing, we and the platform operator act as joint controllers as defined in Article 26 GDPR.

We use the following social media sites:



6.1.1. The platform operator as controller

We have only limited control over the processing of data by the operators of social media platforms (e.g., the management of members and the information shared). In the situations in which we are able to have influence and can set parameters for the data processing, we endeavor to ensure within the confines of the options available to us that the social media platform operator deals with the data in accordance with data protection law requirements. In many cases, however, we are unable to influence the way in which social media platform operators process data and also do not know exactly which data they process.

Platform operators operate the entire IT infrastructure of the service, have their own privacy policies and maintain their own user agreements with you (where you are a registered user of the social media service). The operator is also solely responsible for all questions relating to the data that makes up your user profile, which we as a company have no access to.

You will find further information about the data processing performed by social media platform operators and your rights to object in the privacy policies of the operators:


6.1.2. Schwarz Digits KG as the controller Purposes and legal basis of processing

We process data on our social media sites for the purpose of providing information to customers about services, promotions, prize draws, specific topics and latest company news, to interact with visitors to our social media sites on these topics, and to respond to relevant inquiries and positive or negative feedback.

We merely reserve the right to delete content if it becomes necessary to do so. We may share your content on our site if this is one of the functions of the social media platform, and communicate with you through the social media platform. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR is the legal basis for this. The processing is carried out for the purpose of our public relations work and communications. Operators have no ability to influence our processing of your data in connection with customer communications or prize draws. As already mentioned, where social media platform operators give us the option, we make sure we design our social media sites to be as compliant as possible with data protection laws. Recipients/categories of recipient

The data entered by you on our social media sites, such as comments, videos, images, likes, public messages, etc., is published by the social media platforms and is not used or processed by us for other purposes at any time. We merely reserve the right to delete unlawful content if it becomes necessary to do so. This would be the case, for example, for posts that infringe rights or violate the law, comments that incite hatred, offensive comments (sexually explicit content) or attachments (e.g., images or videos), which may be in violation of copyright laws, moral rights/rights of publicity or criminal law.

We may share your content on our site if this is one of the functions of the social media platform, and communicate through the social media platform. If you post an inquiry on the social media platform, we may also, depending on the required response, refer you to other more secure modes of communication that guarantee confidentiality. You always have the option of sending confidential inquiries to us at ur address listed under A. above or in the “legal notice” section of our website. Obligation to provide your data

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data to us. When you use our social media sites for purely informational purposes, we do not collect any personal data. You can still visit our sites even if you do not wish to provide us with any personal data, but you will not be able to use any enhanced features such as the news function and the function allowing you to post images or comments etc. Storage time

We delete or securely anonymize all information we receive from you when you make inquiries no later than 90 days after the final response is sent to you. The information is retained for 90 days in case you contact us again after a receiving a response from us on the same matter and we need to refer to our previous correspondence. Based on experience, we generally do not receive any questions concerning our responses after 90 days. If you assert your rights as a data subject, your personal data will be stored for three years after the final response in order to document the fact that we provided you with comprehensive information and that the legal requirements have been met.

All public posts that you put on our social media sites remain in the timeline for an indefinite period, unless we delete them as part of updating the information on the topic, they violate the law or breach our guidelines or policies, or you delete the post yourself. We have no control over the deletion of your data by the operator itself. The privacy policy of the relevant operator therefore also applies in relation to the storage period.

6.2. Processing as joint controllers

In some cases, we and the operator of the social media service act as joint controllers as defined in Article 26(1) GDPR:

We and the platform operator act as joint controllers with regard to the web tracking methods used by the social media platform operator. Web tracking can occur regardless of whether you are logged in or registered on the social media platform. As already explained, unfortunately we have almost no control over the web tracking methods used by social media platforms. We are unable, for example, to switch web tracking off.

The legal basis for the web tracking methods is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Optimizing social media platforms and the relevant fan pages is seen as a legitimate interest for the purpose of the above provision.

For further information about recipients and categories of recipients and the duration of data storage and the criteria for determining the storage period, please refer to the privacy policies of the platform operators. We do not have any control over this.

For further information about recipients and categories of recipients and the duration of data storage and the criteria for determining the storage period, please refer to the privacy policies of the platform operators. We do not have any control over this.

We have only a very limited ability to influence and prevent the provision of statistics to us by social media platform operators. However, we do make sure that we do not receive any additional optional statistics.

Please be aware that it is possible that social media platforms will use your profile and user behavior data in order to analyze, for example, your habits, personal relationships and preferences etc Schwarz Digits KG has no control over the processing or disclosure of your data by social media platform operators.

C. Your rights as data subject

Pursuant to Article 15(1) GDPR, you have the right to request information, free of charge, on the personal data stored about you.

If the statutory requirements are met, you also have a right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR), erasure (Article 17 GDPR) and restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR) of your personal data.

If the basis of processing is Article 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR, you have a right to object under Article 21 GDPR. If you object to processing, your data will no longer be processed thereafter, unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests of the data subject in the objection.

If you have provided the processed data yourself, you have a right to data portability under Article 20 GDPR.

If the data processing is carried out on the basis of consent granted under Article 6(1)(a) or Article 9(2)(a) GDPR, you may revoke that consent at any time with effect for the future without this affecting the lawfulness of the previous processing.

In the above-mentioned cases, or if you have questions or complaints, please write to or e-mail the data protection officer. You also have a right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. The data protection supervisory authority located in the state in which you live or where the controller is domiciled has jurisdiction.

D. Data protection officer

For further questions concerning the processing of your data or the exercise of your rights, please contact the competent data protection officer of the controller at:

Schwarz Digits KG
- Datenschutzbeauftragter -
Stiftsbergstraße 1
74172 Neckarsulm
